Thursday, November 6, 2014

Election Results 2014

How would the election affect the future government?

Since the Republicans have taken the seats of Democrats in North Carolina, Colorado, Iowa, West Virginia, Arkansas, Montana, and South Dakota. The democrats have finally lost their house seats to the Republicans encroachments. This would affect our government greatly because now the power is shifting from presidential democracy to Republicans in the state. Since 2006, Republicans haven't taken control of both Senate and the House of Representative, they will have to seek common ground with the president on issues like foreign in trade and tax changes. It would be hard to agree on ideas, because while the republicans are conservatives and the democrats are liberals. Recently, senators( mostly democrats) who voted for Obamacare wouldn't be a part of the new senate anymore. If the new Senate consists of mostly republicans now, then chances are, they will most likely overturn the Obamacare.  While Obama and the GOP are talking about cooperation and getting things done, they know they can’t escape the most important : immigrations reforms. The republicans believe that they should secure the boarder to stop the flow of narco-trafficking and gang violence. Republicans believe that immigration policies should be followed to ensure the safety of our citizens. Whereas, democrats believe that it is a fundamental rights for the US to provide unconditional aid and comfort to the citizens of other nations. They believe in open boarder, and providing legal forms of identification to foreign nations. With such drastic ideas, it will be really hard to have a strong government. 
Joyce Lu G

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