Thursday, November 6, 2014

Election Results 2014

The Mid-Elections of 2014 has come to end. The result of this changed the number of Republicans and Democrats in the Senate. The republicans gained 7 seats in the Senate causing commotion due to the fact that they have control of the House of Representative and now the Senate as well. This means, they take over all the committees, control the agenda on the floor and gain the ability to stop President Obama's appointments. It'll still be very hard to run the Senate, and the president can veto legislation if it does get to his desk. President Obama will veto some bills. Although President Obama has vetoed just two bills in six years, the fewest number of vetoes issued since President James Garfield’s in office but the President will most likely have a chance to veto any attempted total repeal of Obamacare and any other core programs he championed in the past six years.
Now that the Republicans have a big victory, things will change. The Republicans are the ones that can address the country’s problems; they can make people feel more secure in a world that has many things going on around the world such as the ISIS terrorist group but the Republicans can make people feel that the government is doing something to make the economy better for them. In the past the Republicans have dismantle some of Obama’s governmental moves such as the Obamacare. When the Republican Party moves to take over control of the Senate in January, there will be difficult times between Barack Obama and the Republicans because Obama is a Democrat. "Congress will pass some bills I cannot sign. I'm pretty sure I'll take some actions that some in Congress will not like." Obama said it in a press conference at Wednesday, this shows there will be a hard time for new laws to make between the Congress and the president. I am afraid the government will shut down again like last year due to Congress does not favor the Affordable Care Act.

Amy Zhang 

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