Monday, November 17, 2014

The Constitutions Of Turkey And The USA.. Similarities and Differences

The United States and Turkey have created documents describing fundamental rights for individuals of their respective countries. Similarities consists of free communication for all citizens from both countries, the presence of justice and tranquility to be served, and lastly, promoting general welfare. Differences are revealed between the two, especially dealing with the preamble.

The preamble revealed in the US constitution insinuates community bonding and building. "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union", demonstrates individuals working together and experiencing equal rights, while maintaining fairness in society. However, in Turkey, their preamble is not based on community building. Note the difference. Turkey's preamble is focused around nationalism. More directly, the Turkish Constitution represents a secular and democratic republic that derives its sovereignty from civilization. The sovereignty relies on the Turkish Nation, who delegates its exercise to an elected unicameral parliament known as the Turkish Grand National Assembly(TGNA). We, nevertheless, have a bicameral system.

General Welfare is utilized in order to look out for the well being of the people. The United States is always seeking immunity for the working class, fundamentally, shielding the public welfare. Turkey does the same by revealing their effort to enforce welfare and happiness for their citizens. Both constitutions indicate how it is a moral duty to ensure welfare. Therefore, this is a similarity between these two countries' constitutions.

Communication is essential in both countries. Imbedded in their constitutions, both countries assure the right to communicate without any limitations whatsoever. Freedom of speech is heavily stressed in both documents. Overall, both constitutions protect the rights of their respective individuals and provide immunity, not only to the individuals, but to their civilizations.


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