Monday, October 27, 2014

Who Won The Gubernatorial Debate?

After watching a part of the gubernatorial debate, it was not hard to decide who won in it. Even though Andrew Cuomo had an obvious support of Michael McDermott, Rob Astorino was able to present his ideas and prove his points clearer than anybody among the four candidates. To each of his arguments, he seemed to have some information on how the current governor, Cuomo, failed to meet expectations of New Yorkers and the state government. This made the discussion stay on his side, by showing how well informed he is on different aspects of the state and its needs. Astorino also made his part of the debate very strong by saying that Cuomo wasted millions of dollars on making false advertisements about other nominee's credibility, by which he delivered a message, that if the current governor keeps his position, he might as well keep wasting money for his own benefits. Rob Astorino had definitely won the debate; he addressed a lot of problems that New York faces, such as the economy, corruption, Common Core, and fracking system. He clearly stated his opinions about each of those topics, and to make his argument have better chances of getting support, he compared his ideas to the ideas of his opponents, thus proving that he doesn't only proposes a few plans, but also listens to what others have to offer. His way of providing people with his points of views is not the only thing that makes me believe that he is the one who should win. I like his idea of decreasing taxes and still improving the economy. The fact that he focuses so much on the corruption of our government, gives me and other New Yorkers, a reason to believe in him. Astorino's ideas of getting rid of the Common Core fully suits my desires as a student and the desires of all the parents who oppose the current system of education. As for the question of fracking, i think that the majority of people agree with Astorino, that fracking is causing pollution and other environmental damages, and therefore shouldn't be the primary source of our oil and gas. Rob Astorino has definatelly won this debate and based on everything he said, I would surely choose him to become the next governor of New York.

By: Caterina Arnautova G-Band


  1. I agree that clearly the winner of the gubernatorial debate is Rob Astorino. From the start of his introduction to the end of the debate, Astorino attacked Andrew Cuomo’s every act he did for being the governor. Astorino criticized Cuomo's handling of the economy and government corruption, predicting that Cuomo "may be indicted" following allegations that his administration attempted to meddle with an anti-corruption commission when it began investigating groups linked to the governor. Astorino also argues that Cuomo was guilty of financial mismanagement and of driving property taxes up in Westchester, the “highest-taxed county in the United States of America. And in addition to the Common Core, Astorino created a Stop Common Core line on the ballot. At one point, Astorino referred to the standards as "Cuomo's Common Core." Astorino wants to replace the Common Core curriculum with new academic guidelines developed by New York teachers.

    By: Amy Zhang G-Band

  2. I also think that the winner of the gubernatorial debate is Rob Astorino. I believe that one of the main reasons he won was that he spoke with confidence and knowledge compared to Michael McDermott who looked like he had no idea about what he was talking about and all he did was just agree to everything Andrew Cuomo said. Rob Astorino was bashing Andrew Cuomo almost the whole debate and it was working because he was stating facts in which the reason Cuomo could not back himself up with. Howie Hawkins did not bad, but I felt that he was a bit boring and that not to many people would understand the whole green deal for New York thing.

    By: Rony Rud G-Band

  3. Eventhough I did not fully agree with Astorino, I thought that he won the debate against Cuomo, Hawkins, and McDermott. This debate was mostly between Cuomo and Astorino , while Astorino kept bashing on Cuomo about him getting subpoenaed by federal prosecutors looking into his closure of an anti-corruption panel. Saying that Cuomo is corrupt and that he did waste millions of tax dollars to false advertise. Besides the bashing, Astorino made his points really clear regarding common core, fracking, corruption, and the economy. I agree with his needs to get rid of common core, stop fracking because it is polluting the environment and his wants to decrease tax to help the economy. His viewpoints are well received and I think he won this election.

    Joyce Lu G

  4. Robert Astorino targeted Andrew Cuomo, doubting his ethos as an individual and as a politican. I agree with Caterina because Cuomo did waste money on diminishing the credibility of other runner ups during his candidacy, but in reality, Cuomo presented himself as being unsophisticated. In addition, Robert Astorino is looking out for the best interest for us the students because he wants us to learn in a more flexible environment, rather than treating the common core as a bible. Robert Astorino is the man to correct our corruption, eliminate text book learning, and provide new resources for New Yorkers. Therefore, I completely agree with Caterina.
