Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Who is a better candidate?

Howie Hawkins

Howie has a list of things he says he will do if he gets elected as governor such as more women's rights, workers rights, immigrant rights, LGBT rights, and many more. If he gets elected he says that he will raise the state minimum to 15$ an hour. He promises health care for all New Yorkers. Quality education for all and that tuition for all CUNY, SUNY, and community colleges should be free. He is also trying to make New York a greener place by making it 100% clean energy by 2030. He says he wants energy production from distributed solar, wind, wave, etc, so that every home, office and factory is retrofitted to be a solar power producer. But by doing all of this he needs a lot of money in which he is planning on getting it from the rich by taxing them more and cutting the other 95% of New Yorkers taxes. He is against stop and frisk and broken windows and plans on trying to stop that because he says there is a lot of racism involved. H wants to legalize many drugs such as marijuana and heroin. He wants to raise the age of adult criminal responsibility to 18. He wants to enact a Pay Equity law to insure that workers are paid equal pay for work of comparable worth. This also applies to women.

I liked Howie Hawkins platform. It seems like he has a lot of plans if he gets elected, but he doesn't really explain how he will make all of his plans happen.


By: Rony Rud G-Band

Howie Hawkins' ideas regarding the economy 
Snatching money from the poor may be a poor moral decision, but allowing the rich to take care of funding is smarter. Howie Hawkins brings up an excellent idea to revisit the plan from the 1970's, that is, to tax wall street in order for our academic settings and local government to receive necessary money. In addition, he indicates how property taxes should experience a permanent cut, fundamentally lowering the taxes for employees in society. Unlike other political parties, Howie expresses a sense of relief towards the public. He reveals how his political party, The Greens, do not capture corporate money. The party relies on themselves for the corporate lobbyists and their-paid for political representatives in the Democratic and Republican parties. Howie is insinuating how his services shall not cost a single dime to the public, nor should they feel that their earnings will fall into his pocket. Society today fears politics due to its economic corruption. By having Howie elected as governor, the public will experience a relationship full of integrity between their politician and community.



Rob Astorino

The New York Republican, Rob Astorino pledged to make significant overhauls to the state budget, tax code and economic plan, saying he has "the commitment to reform of a Roosevelt." He wants to cut the state budget and reduce the tax rate. In addition Astorino wants to create new jobs to Westchester County. More than 30,000 new jobs have been created in the county since 2010. Rob Astorino also plans to eliminate job killing regulations and mandates, reduce tax burden, create gas development, and accelerate hi tech start up creation. Astorino plans to propose a gun law that is similar to California's Use a Gun and You're Done Law. Astorino said he would add 10 years to a prison sentence if a criminal is caught using a gun to commit a felony; 20 years if the gun is discharged while committing a crime and an additional 25-year to life sentence if the gun kills or injures another person during the crime. Astorino also called for reforms to the distribution of public assistance programs like food stamps and Medicaid.

I believe Rob Astrorino has a better plan because due to the fact that New York has a population of over 19 million people, people need jobs and its very competitive and hard to get a job. In addition there are many families with low income that don’t have enough money to buy food for their family, with food stamp it helps the family out, making it more affordable to buy food. Since the population is large in this state, the fact that Astrorino is trying to enforce more gun control law makes this a safer place and environment to live in. 

By: Amy Zhang G-Band

Rob Astorino Continued...

Rob Astorino is looking forward to eliminating gaps in the economy while not raising the taxes, but lowering them. He reduced his own budget by 19% and encouraged many non-union county employees to start contributing to health care costs with him. Those contributions, along with the lowered taxes have created many jobs for people who need financial help. Astorino believes that a good paying job is the best type of welfare and economy improves with that. Throughout his years in the government, he was able to get rid of a $166 budget gap by using his methods of economical progress. With such savings he was able to support many organizations; for example, schools and parks. He soon wants to create a High-Tech Research Complex out of 60 acres of grassland in Westchester in order to create more medical and bio-tech positions. He also wants to make school classrooms safer and discuss the main causes of violence in students, like metal illnesses and simply the inability to attend school lessons. As for Astorino's beliefs, he thinks that the government should be limited, just how it states in the Constitution, and that no organization should provide an innocent person's identity to the public without the person's consent. He is against corruption in the country, stating that many economical procedures are causing economical fall downs. Another economical issue that he is concerned about is abortion. Astorino says that unnecessary abortions are taking money from state's Medical funding and he is completely against it. In addition to this medical problem, he states that he will only support such drugs as medical marijuana only if they are strictly controlled by the government and medical organizations. Astorino supports the Dream Act, which provides financial aid to students without documents, in order to make sure that every person who decides to live here gets their chance to become somebody in the society. Overall his goal is to improve our economy by making the people happy, instead of degrading and attacking them with crazy taxes.

I think that Rob Astorino has great ideas for improving our economy. He focuses lowering taxes, creating jobs, schools, and organizations to help people live fulfilling life. He supports a healthy way of living by banning marijuana and tries to help people with no money for health care. Along with the economy, Astorino also protects our environment by promoting solar energy use and restoring parks. By supporting a plan of helping out students with no documents, he is encouraging many young kids to study harder, and by making the schools safes, he allows children's minds to fully expand. He wants our society to rise to the top, so that people who live here have more opportunities to have normal lives. 

By: Caterina Arnautova G-Band

Andrew Cuomo

If Andrew Cuomo were to be reelected, he would continue to fight for abortion rights (Reproductive Rights Acts), civil rights for women, immigrants, workers, and the LGBT community. He plans to end “stop and frisk," criminalize synthetic marijuana, and designer drugs. Also improving the education system by adding additional fundings to SUNYs and CUNYs schools. He also supports government-run healthcare and water policies to protect environment and business interests. Cuomo plans to jumpstart the economy by creating jobs. As of December 11, 2013 announced that $715.9 Million dollars would be invested into economic development funding. This plan is to empower communities, business and academic leaders to help create jobs and academic growth. Cuomo plans to transform New York State into a destination for complains around the world to invest and grow with initiatives like START-UP NY to help promote tax free areas. These efforts have furthered our economic growth. 

I would vote for Howie. His platform is well rounded and it include mostly every group from women to LGBT community. What really caught my attention was that he calls for making college free for students. He has a lot of good ideas, but I agree with Rony, that he needs to throughly explain his plans. 

Joyce Lu G Band

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