Thursday, October 23, 2014

Different philosophies regarding education-Blog Post #3

The concept of education has been thrown around in this election, catching the attention from the public eye whether the common core standards should be abandoned or further implemented. Candidate Howie Hawkins reveals his opinion. He states how New York should eliminate the common core curriculum standards that NY adopted with the majority of United States. Fundamentally, he is stressing the importance of stopping the common core. Candidate Hawkins gives beard-stroking reasons as to why the Common Core should be banished for good.

The common core is completely unfair to educators. It is dumbing down education, according to Howie. This current system forces teachers to teach the test, which shifts the educators into bad moods. As educators, they are appointed with the position to educate students through creativity and other thought-provoking activities. Educators spent time learning and mastering the skills of presenting material to students. How can this be compared to a fat chunk of paper that was printed within a couple of hours? Dedication from the educators should be looked more highly upon and Hawkins is absolutely right to steer away from the common core. In addition to somewhat neglecting the teachers, the common core is a tremendous drain on time and money in schools. 

According to Howie Hawkins, school communities should be given the opportunity to overlook the issue and come up with a decision regarding the standards and assessment. His essential theme is to allow teachers to experience independence while teaching, not to have a textbook be their dictator while demonstrating information. Unlike him, his competitors are content with creating standardized assessments, which are not beneficial nor interesting to any child. If elected as governor, Howie Hawkins will increase funding for education and discover an alternation for distributing available resources to academic settings amongst the state's 70 school districts.


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