Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Democrats vs Republicans

Democratic and Republican parties have existed for centuries, providing their own views on how the government should interact in the way a country develops and how the rights of individuals are going to be protected. Every year about 30% of Americans are identified as Democrats, about 30% are Republicans and the rest 40% percent of Americans usually stay independent of those two political parties. So this shows that the people aren't really more supportive of one party than another. In general, if a child should ask what the difference of the two of them really is, the simplest explanation would be: democrats believe that the government has to care for all individuals at any cost, while republicans believe that people should be responsible for what they are and what they will become in a society on their own, without much help from the government, except for security.

To go in depth about most of the differences of the two parties, it is important to know one of the most common reasons for why a person would choose one party over another. Democrats want the higher class to pay more taxes than a middle and especially the lower classes. They justify this by saying that people with no money barely loose anything anyway by paying taxes, while the poor people don't really have anything to pay from, because they can barely survive in their low-income homes, which means that high taxes can actually hurt them a lot. Republicans, on the other hand, want all social classes to have taxes cut, and they don't support the idea of the richer people paying more taxes only because of their high income. They say that this kind of taxation can hurt many businesses and actually lower the income of those higher-class people. That was the main issue which affects people's opinion of each of the parties. Other issues that they disagree on are military defenses, financial support, minimum wage, gun control, abortion and gay marriage. For example, Democrats try to spend less of their money on the military while increasing the benefit programs for lower-income families. They highly support the minimum wage, claiming that people cant survive on a salary lower that a certain number. Also, the democratic party gives their support for gun control laws, abortion and gay marriage, in order to provide protection and equal rights for every individual. To the contrary, Republicans believe that the government should focus more on financially supporting the military defenses while giving less benefits to the poor. They don't support the minimum wage, because in their opinion, it hurts many businesses. Unlike the other party, republicans oppose gun control, abortion and same sex-marriage, claiming that the first issue contradicts the Second Amendment, which is the right to bear arms, the second issue provides unnecessary rights to kill innocent people, and the last issue is simply unnatural.

As an young individual of the 21st century, I would most likely choose the Democratic party since it provides more financial help for common people and protects majority of Americans. As a person supporting the democrats, I know for sure that if something would happen to me in the future, that would prevent me from being financially stable, I will be able to get help from the government and if I somehow manage to get to the top, I don't really think that paying high taxes would stop me from living a perfect life. Also, even though the gun control laws take away some rights given by the Second Amendment, I would rather know for sure that my chances of getting shot are less than they would be if guns were allowed. In my opinion, guns should only be distributed to law officials, and banned for the majority of others. In addition to gun control, I highly support abortion and gay marriage. Even though I don't support the killings of innocent people, I think that a baby shouldn't be born to a family where he or she is not wanted, because that would only create violence in the society. For the issues of same-sex marriage, I don't see anything unnatural in a male and a male or a female and a female getting married. It has been already proven, gay people are born that way, so banning them from creating families would simply take away their rights as individuals. The only thing I don't fully agree with is the minimum wage. Yes, I do believe that workers should have a minimum salary required by the law, but the youth should have more job opportunities which can be created from a little bit less money than usually. Still, I believe that the democratic party concerns most of the Americans' rights and is the right party for me to be a part of.

By: Caterina Arnautova (G-Band Gov't Honors)

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