Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Donkey or Elephant

 Democrats believe all people should be able to pursue their goals despite their gender, religion, nationality or ethnic background. In addition anyone can have an education regardless of the economic situation. Democrats also give the rights for people to express their beliefs and ideas. Democrats tend to help out the lower class. Taxes should not be used to increase the gap between the wealthy and the poor in the United States. They believe in a larger federal government. This means a dominant federal government that seeks to control the authority of local institution. Democrats want to lower increases in military spending, favor more gun control law, support abortion rights, favor equal rights for gays and increase the minimum wage

The Republican wants less governmental interference and strongly believes in property rights rather than welfare rights. The social and human ideas should be based on individual responsibility, rights and justice. Republics also believe in free marketing meaning that there are no government restrictions to doing business. This causes competition to sees who stays in the market and who leaves the market. Republicans want to increase military spending, gun control laws should allow the right to carry concealed weapons and believe that marriage should be between a man and women.

Both sides have their good and bad, but I tend to lean more towards the Democrats. Being a low class citizen it’s good to have the democrats support the raise in minimum wage, public education and health care. I believe that there is equality among all races and ethnic backgrounds and that the government should help the lower class. 

By: Amy Zhang G-Band

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