Friday, October 24, 2014

Debate on Education

In the debate, Cuomo stated that he wanted to make charter schools a notable education priority while Rob Astorino wanted to stop common core by creating a ballot line in opposition. They both support longer school days. Cuomo especially supports the Dream Act, which would give state college aid to undocumented immigrants. He believes that the more money we spend on schools, the better schools do. While Astorino wants different diplomas based on different high school curriculum, he opposes the dream Act, but would lead private fundraising. 

They both have ideas I like but I lean more towards Cuomo because he supports Common Core which i think is beneficial to students from 1st-8th because it is designed to help student increase critical thinking and problem solving skills. With common core, professional development would also improve because all teachers will be teaching to the same standards. I also like the Dream Act. But I don’t like the idea of charter schools because I think the idea and the system wouldn’t sustain in the long run because despite it being publicly funded, it operates independently. Charter schools usually aren't funded enough. There would also be less transparency because charter schools are run by private institutions, they are not subject to the freedom of Information Act and lastly I don’t think charter schools promote enough diversity.

Joyce Lu G Band

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