Thursday, October 23, 2014

What Will Happen to the Education System?

The midterm elections are coming up and debate on education is growing. The debate, which was co-sponsored by The Buffalo News and WNED-WBFO, brought together Democratic Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, Republican Rob Astorino, Green Party nominee Howie Hawkins and Libertarian candidate Michael McDermott. The four spent an hour in the WNED-TV studios in downtown Buffalo fielding questions on issues such as the Common Core educational standards.
Rob Astrorino campaign said that the Common Core “Is not appropriate, and it's something that New York should get out of, just as other states are beginning to do right now," Rob Astorino plans a "Stop Common Core" ballot line in opposition to adopted education standards. The main reason is because the standards are experimental, conceived in secrecy with no public hearings on the draft standards, and never tested. It is education guided at the federal level – not the state and local level. In addition it is considered to be developmentally inappropriate in the early grades and not based on well-researched child development knowledge. Instead of the Common Core he wants to develop more accurate measures of student, teacher and school performance, reducing reliance on high stakes assessments, with a more balanced, portfolio approach and increase availability of vocational training in schools for careers in home economics, carpentry, mechanics and electrical. This well be a great skill/interest to have after High School because in the recent years schools have moved away from career training.

By: Amy Zhang G-Band

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